Try searching #YESAPIRG or climate change
Welcome to the Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) Archive!
The APIRG is a student-based, student-funded, student-run, student-directed, and community-minded, non-profit organization. We exist to provide training, support, and opportunities for students to be active citizens. Through involvement with PIRGs, thousands of Canadian students have learned skills in consensus decision-making, group facilitation, event organizing, media relations, and community-based research. APIRG also provides working groups, students and community members with funding for research and social engagement projects in the public interest.
The APIRG Archive provides incredible resources of past documents and media produced by APIRG. You may also find APIRG’s partner groups and a variety of events and services we have provided to support students to be active citizens. APIRG helps student working groups to transform social concerns into effective action.
History of APIRG
The Alberta Public Interest Research Group was founded in 2001 by a student campaign. APIRG became a well-organized planning and resource center with one of the largest PIRG budgets in Canada with a group of activists, with a dream and a constitution. During its inaugural year, APIRG set up a resource center in the HUB Mall at the University of Alberta, hired two staff members, and set up the Library supporting the creation of over 20 new working groups. APIRG was incorporated as a non-profit society in April 2004. The APIRG Resource Center boasted a collection of nearly 500 books, over 40 videos, numerous magazines, literary journals, and other publications. APIRG support aided in the creation of numerous Working Groups and helped students to attend conferences.
In the past 20 years, APIRG gave out more than $250,000 in direct grants to student events, activities, and projects; held numerous events and projects addressing issues in the undergraduate and larger communities’ public interests; and supported student initiatives through our publications, resource library, and educational workshops.
Check out APIRG's detailed timeline: Timeline
Search Guide
The APIRG archive has been designed to encourage both exploration and more focused searching. You may choose any of the following ways to search or explore items within the archive:
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