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University of Alberta Permaculture Group Aquaponics Research Facility Funded 2019-2020 From Funding Recipient(s): "The University of Alberta Permaculture group would like to extend a sincere thank you to APIRG for their support and funding. Our group focuses on sustainability by working towards growing food in an aquaponics system on campus and providing outreach activities in the community to students. This past year we started contacting schools and organizations to provide educational sessions that tie into the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools and to promote sustainability. We used APIRG funding to purchase materials for these learning events and were able to reach out to a school recently to do a virtual outreach activity. The demos we put together allow students to better understand the concepts being taught and were made possible by APIRG funding. Furthermore, APIRG funding has allowed us to purchase T-shirts with the University of Alberta Permaculture group logo so we are better recognized at schools, events, and sustainability fairs. Also, we were able to purchase equipment to help record our system, which will be used for outreach activities. Giving students the opportunity to see an aquaponics system, even if they cannot see it in person, will be a memorable experience and help promote sustainability. This grant allows us to continue to serve our mission of outreach for years to come. The ability to educate and excite people about the amazing sustainable technologies that can change the way we eat and live can not be understated and the support we received from APIRG has been an instrumental part in the initiation of that mission."
Last Days on Krypton Funded 2018-2019 Last Days on Krypton was a one-person comedy show created and performed by Mav Adecer, directed and managed by Linh Lu, presented as part of the 2019 Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival. The show explored the climate crisis, and the collective and very personal anxiety it produces, through children’s cartoons and other pop culture figures. The show was a community effort to create, with Mav testing out the show at friends’ houses, community centers and open mic nights for months before the Fringe. The work paid off. The production was a resounding success, bringing a no-name comedian from the “lonely task of crafting jokes within a swirling vortex of racism” to a near full house and a hold-over at the Grindstone. Joy and laughter are critical to surviving climate anxiety and the crisis itself, and Last Days on Krypton delivered.
Climate Justice Edmonton Trainings Funded 2018-2019 Activist Training Series.
Canvassing for Change Funded 2018-2019 Training from Organize BC.
Arts Based Resilience of Transmasculine Youth Funded 2018-2019 Research project. From Funding Recipient: "I am so appreciative for the funding that APIRG provided for my doctoral research. This funding enabled me to offer grocery store gift cards and transit tickets that made participation in my study more accessible for transmasculine young adult participants, who often face financial barriers, and to recognize in a material way the generous amount of time and expertise they contributed to my study. On a broader level, APIRG funding supported me in conducting research that I hope can help change the challenging mental health landscape that many transmasculine young adults experience due to transgender stigma and other significant life challenges they face. Through my research, I am working to shed light on how transmasculine young adults use the arts to sustain resilience against these challenges. Thank you APIRG for supporting my capacity to do research that strives towards creating arts-based supports that can bolster the resilience of transmasculine young adults and help them push back against trans stigma."
Level7 Funded 2020-2022 Level 7 believes in crafting a legacy of sustainability advocates who seek discomfort by challenging the status quo – they believe in action-driven change. Their project integrates an alternative recycling solution at the University of Alberta through the combination of people, platforms, and passion. By repurposing collected waste, they are able to provide various on-campus groups with education and eco-friendly materials. Uniting the community through sustainability and engineering, Level 7 provides a tangible solution to help mitigate the global waste crisis, while also striving to stimulate innovation in student groups.
Edmonton Climate Justice Coalition Funded 2020 Around Edmonton there are numerous groups involved in climate action related activities. They seek to provide a space for coalition building, skill sharing, and community building between those groups. Members of the working group include Extinction Rebellion Edmonton, Climate Justice Edmonton, and the Alberta Environmental Network.
Centre for Community Organizing and Popular Education (CCOPE) Funded 2010-2014 The Centre for Community Organizing and Popular Education is a coalition of academics, educators, activists and organizers interested in promoting positive social, political and economic change and building community in the face of global neo liberalism. Their goal is to establish an authentic space for solidarity, where people with diverse interests, experiences and abilities might exchange ideas, experience, information and resources, and above all rediscover the sustaining ability of true community.
La Chiva Funded 2006-2007 The overriding goal of La Chiva is to foster public awareness of the current Colombian social and political situation through proactive campaigns that reflect their commitment to social change.
Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) Funded 2005-2009 Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) is a charitable organization committed to using the power of the media to effect positive social change. Members design and produce media-driven awareness campaigns to engage and educate students in issues of human rights and justice. By increasing the quality and quantity of human rights reporting, JHR pressures abusers to stop and empowers victims to fight back. JHR works collaboratively to coordinate domestic and international projects that build capacity for human rights reporting.
Alternatives to the Canadian Banking & Economic System (ACBES) Funded 2005-2007 ACBES strives to research ways in which to change the current Canadian economic system into one that is more sustainable (economically and environmentally), seeking alternatives that focus on local and community supported systems.
iHuman Youth Society Funded 2003-2004 iHuman Youth Society engages Edmonton's marginalized youth to foster positive personal development, wellbeing and social change.
Brazil: Social Democratic Governance Funded 2003-2004 Goals: To develop a report on recent social change in Brazil, to provide observations on continuing political developments in Brazil, and to investigate how a social democratic government like the one represented by Lula can improve social development. Accomplished through the development of a small library collection devoted to resources on Brazil, the completion of a comprehensive and interactive website, the production of a short 20 minute documentary about Brazil’s current political environment, the continuation of presentations about Brazil, the compilation of a working group newsletter to print and distribute, and the sponsorship of a speaker from Brazil to do presentations about the situation in Brazil.
Just Java Funded 2002-2003 Just Java in its first year was a group of eight U of A students and the United Church Chaplain, all of whom were affiliated in some way with the United Church of Canada. These people were united in their desire to live their faith convictions in actions promoting social change. In its first year Just Java set forward the following goals: to educate ourselves about the issues related to fair trade, to educate people on campus about the issue of fair trade coffee, to encourage coffee retailers to sell fair trade, to increase the demand for fair trade coffee on campus.
Climate Change Talk
Event photo of climate change talk.