About this Archive

The APIRG archive serves as a living, iterative space to preserve APIRG's solidarity movement history and exists as a resource and reference for current and future students, organizers, and community members. This archive aims for intersectionality as a built environment that acknowledges the ways in which archives have been used to oppress, erase, and omit important lived experiences from diverse communities and is therefore constantly evolving along with APIRG and its projects, working groups, and events.

The items in this archive were provided by the APIRG team with additional information either created or sourced by the archival team via APIRG's website and social media channels. APIRG aims to ensure continuity and facilitate resource accessibility for organizers. 


This archive was built and updated by subsequent groups of graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Alberta from interdisciplinary faculty and departments including Digital Humanities, Gender and Social Justice Studies, Library and Information Studies, and Science.

The values used to guide and inform the current iteration of this archive build upon the values of APIRG as well as those of the previous archival team(s). In this way, we recognize that the APIRG archive is an iterative project influenced by those who have come before and by the perspectives, voices, and experiences of others into the future.  



Search Guide

The APIRG archive has been designed to encourage both exploration and more focused searching. You may choose any of the following ways to search or explore items within the archive:


Visit the 'About this Archive' page to browse by:



Select one of the menu items to view items related to APIRG's signature Events and/or Services



Select one of the 'Tags' listed on an item's record to find similar items, or browse tags through the "Tag Cloud" under APIRG Glossary



Use the search box provided for keyword search (try searching #YESAPIRG or climate change for example to get started!)



Click on any item of interest found in the rotating carousels on various pages

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