Coordination Committee on Women's Studies agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Coordination Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include meeting agendas, minutes, pamphlets, a blank Women's Research Bank Information form, revenue and expenditures, correspondence, committee and University of Alberta faculty membership lists, a job posting, conference information, notes, a session schedule and information for the Feminist Research Forum at the University of Alberta, and information about speakers at an event titled Women in Particular: Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics. Also includes minutes from the Research Conference and Planning sub committees. -
Fem-Direct and Canadian Women's Movement Archives correspondence
File consists of correspondence, advertising pamphlets for Fem-Direct and Canadian Women's Movement Archives. -
National Women's Studies Association membership materials
File consists of materials pertaining to the membership of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies in the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA). Records include correspondence, subscription and membership forms and reminders, pamphlets, conference information, scholarship information and forms, a membership card, notes, and resource request forms. -
Canadian Women's Studies Association applications and newsletter
File consists of membership applications from the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies to join the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA) and a copy of the CWSA newsletter for Fall 1987, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Dale Spender lecture series
File consists of material pertaining to Dale Spencer appearing as a guest lecture for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta from September 19 to October 3, 1985. Records include correspondence, curriculum vitae, itineraries, schedules of events, delivery slips, RSVP and invitation form templates, invitation lists, biographical information, newspaper clippings, equipment loan/rental forms, catering, room and accommodation information, promotion materials, and notes. Also includes three September 1985 issues of the University of Alberta Folio newsletter. -
Women's Studies Lecture Series
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Lecture Series featuring Ann McLellan and Lynda Lange. Records include promotional materials, public service announcements, correspondence, notes, and an Equipment Loan/Rental form. Also includes the November 7 issue (Vol. 22, No. 14) of the University of Alberta newsletter Folio. -
Women's Research Centre miscellaneous records
File consists of miscellaneous material pertaining to the Women's Research Centre. Records include a blank evaluation form for the 14th annual Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), notes, a receipt for a subscription to Canadian Women's Periodical Index Vol. 6, correspondence, the February 1991 Misener-Margetts Women's Research Centre News, and address for sending request for an English version of Remous, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Operations Committee events
File consists of material pertaining to events organized by the Women's Studies Operations Committee. Records include meeting minutes, agendas, a newsletter, correspondence, notes, phone messages, speaker information including curriculum vitae, program and session information, and issue No. 2 of the Women's Research Centre newsletter. Also includes a Government of Alberta News Release about the Alberta Plan for Action for Women and a list of the 1989-1990 executive of the Association of Professors Emeriti. -
Women's Research Institute planning
File consists of materials pertaining to the planning for the Women's Research Institute. Records include a preliminary investigation of the structure of an institute, notes, drafts of purpose and structure, policy from the Office of Research Services, and an agenda and notes from the June 24, 1987 meeting, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies minutes and agendas
File consists of materials pertaining to the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies. Records include agendas and minutes for the January 13 and March 2, 1988 meetings and the December 15, 1987 meeting. Also includes membership lists of women's groups, job duties, financial statements, correspondence relating to funding and guest lectures, a committee vacancy, the C-Swip conference, and the women's research bank, as well as handwritten notes and a position paper on a graduate program in women's studies written by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies educational materials
File consists of educational materials including brochures from the Centre for Women's Studies, Ontario, pamphlets and booklets from the National Association of Women and the Law, information about and registration form for the Learned Societies Conference, a catalogue from Hawthorne Press, a request for information from the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW), information from the Women Inventors Project, a pamphlet and letter regarding The Body Politic, a series of films, information about the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, and a catalogue of books regarding Women's Studies. -
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies space reservation
File consists of materials pertaining to office space allocated to the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies. Records include correspondence, notes, and handwritten notes. -
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women correspondence
File consists of correspondence and bank order forms between the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) and various subscribers with regard to their subscription to the periodical, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Canadian Women's Periodicals Index purchases
File consists of materials pertaining to the sale of the Canadian Women's Periodicals Index, published by Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) and the Woman's Program and Resource Centre at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include correspondence, envelopes, order forms, and notes. Also includes a form for providing comments for a course titled Self-Esteem for Women, and a class exercise. -
Second Annual Feminist Research Forum financial records
File consist of materials pertaining to the Second Annual Feminist Research Forum hosted by the Women's Research Centre and the Alberta Women's Studies Association, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include a conference agenda, form letters for participants, correspondence, a blank grant application and guidelines for conference grant applications, a Conference Funds Committee grant application, a press release, a flyer, a list of participants, receipts, registrations and notes. -
Funding sources
File consists of information packages and application forms for grant funds from The Alberta Law Foundation, The Muttart Foundation and Canadian Women's Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Evaluations Feminist Research Forum 1990
File consists materials pertaining to the Women's Research Centre Feminist Research Forum, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include completed evaluation forms, compiled information from evaluation forms, and notes. -
CRIAW academic papers and presentations
Files consists of a list of papers or presentations by academics from across Canada, possibly pulled together for consideration at the 1991 Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement (CRIAW) conference, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women
File consists of materials pertaining to the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW), Edmonton, Alberta. Records include pamphlets, correspondence, notes, mailing lists, cover letters, and a publications list. Also includes copied pages from Government of Alberta RITE employee directory. -
Women's Research Centre Committee meeting documents
File consists of supporting documents for meetings of the Women's Research Centre Committee, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include a list of job duties, agenda, meeting, finance, and publicity information, a blank sign up sheet, meeting notices, notes, and correspondence. -
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women administrative records
File consists of a contract between the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) and The Women's Program to produce three issues of the Canadian Women's Periodicals Index, CRIAW Guidelines for Conferences, and order forms for various CRIAW publications. -
Women's Research Centre Summer Employment/Experience Development program
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Research Centre Summer Employment/Experience Development (SEED) program. Records include a Government of Canada application for summer students, two check stubs, a phone message, and letter from Scott Thorkelson, Member of Parliament, Edmonton, Alberta. -
1987 Persons Awards nominations
File consists of materials pertaining to the nomination of recipients of the Persons Award. Records include a letter of invitation from Barbara McDougall from the Status of Women to submit the names of nominees, award criteria, a nomination form, and handwritten notes. -
Women's Research Bank Information Form
File consists of forms used by the Women's Research Centre to gather information from researchers who are interested in doing research on women's issues, Edmonton, Alberta. Also includes correspondence regarding Principal Researchers Interests and Major Expertise (PRIME), a system used to aid the University of Alberta community to identify persons having specific knowledge or expertise. -
Canadian Women's Studies Association Bulletin Newsletter
File consists of the Fall 1989 Canadian Women's Studies Association Bulletin Newsletter, produced by the Canadian Women's Studies Association, Secretariat, Women's Studies, Athabasca University, Alberta.