University of Alberta Permaculture Group Aquaponics Research Facility


University of Alberta Permaculture Group Aquaponics Research Facility
Funded 2019-2020

From Funding Recipient(s):

"The University of Alberta Permaculture group would like to extend a sincere thank you to APIRG for their support and funding. Our group focuses on sustainability by working towards growing food in an aquaponics system on campus and providing outreach activities in the community to students. This past year we started contacting schools and organizations to provide educational sessions that tie into the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools and to promote sustainability. We used APIRG funding to purchase materials for these learning events and were able to reach out to a school recently to do a virtual outreach activity. The demos we put together allow students to better understand the concepts being taught and were made possible by APIRG funding. Furthermore, APIRG funding has allowed us to purchase T-shirts with the University of Alberta Permaculture group logo so we are better recognized at schools, events, and sustainability fairs. Also, we were able to purchase equipment to help record our system, which will be used for outreach activities. Giving students the opportunity to see an aquaponics system, even if they cannot see it in person, will be a memorable experience and help promote sustainability. This grant allows us to continue to serve our mission of outreach for years to come. The ability to educate and excite people about the amazing sustainable technologies that can change the way we eat and live can not be understated and the support we received from APIRG has been an instrumental part in the initiation of that mission."
25 attendees
Date Available
July 2022-


testimonial Funding activism Education environmental activism Students university of alberta permaculture

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