Resources for Shelter Workers
Odyssey House Public Speaker's Manual Manual on effective public speaking. Includes informational images, sample exercises, and a brief history of women's shelters in Alberta.
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters Sharing Circle Materials: Children Who Are Exposed to Family Violence Collection of resources, exercises, and ideas for assisting children who have been exposed to family violence. Includes colouring sheets, ideas for group or individual exercises, and other resources to assist shelter workers who are dealing with children.
Pathways On-Reserve Shelter Emergency Transport Fund Information Sheet Information sheet for shelters on the introduction of the Pathways On-Reserve Shelter Emergency Transport Fund. Includes information on how shelters can apply for reimbursement through the Pathways Fund.
Adressing Human Resource Issues in Alberta's Women's Shelters Final report to Alberta Employment, Industry and Immigration on funding for Human Resources training for shelter directors in Alberta.
Outcomes Conference 2011 Program Program for 2011 Outcomes Conference. Printout format.
Outcomes Conference 2011 Poster Poster created for 2011 Outcomes Conference
National Victims of Crime Awareness Week 2015: Informed Consent Webinar Informational poster for ACWS webinar titled Informed Consent in Shelter: Building Trust and Preserving Dignity with Survivors of Domestic Violence in a Data-Driven Age.
Women's Shelter Crisis Worker Certificate Description of program goals and admission requirements for Portage College Women's Shelter Crisis Worker Certificate. Includes course descriptions.
Abuse of Older Adults: Guidelines for Developing Coordinated Community Response Models Report on the ongoing effort to promote and disseminate knowledge and research on the prevention and intervention in the abuse of older adults.
Danger Assessment Calendar 2006-2008 Blank Danger Assessment calendar with instructions for use.
Coordinated Workplace Response Plan on Domestic Violence List of questions and worksheets designed to help a domestic violence team assess current organizational procedures in terms of DV support and awareness.
Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel Danger Assessment worksheet with Medicine Wheel framework.
Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel Scanned copy of interactive Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel framework
Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel Presentation Presentation on the Medicine Wheel and Danger Assessment framework.
Second-Stage Shelter Project: Transitioning from Domestic Violence to Stability Project report on second-stage shelters prepared for the Canadian Women's Foundation.
Making Amends: Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence in Rural Alberta Final report for Civil Forfeiture, Alberta Justice on the Making Amends project to provide emergency funding to rural shelters and sheltering organizations in Alberta.
Keeping Women Alive, Assessing the Danger Final report on the importance of Danger Assessment tools for shelter workers.
Keeping Women Alive, Assessing the Danger; Executive Summary Summary based on a report prepared for the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters.
- Final Report on First World Conference of Women's Shelters
Second Stage Shelters: Closing the Gap Toolkit on second stage shelters in Alberta describing why second stage shelters are needed and how to implement a second stage project.
Blankets, Bibles and Beads: Aboriginal Resource Manual With close to half of the women entering shelters being of aboriginal descent, women’s shelters in Alberta wanted to ensure that their needs were met and that shelters respond in a culturally appropriate way. This manual was developed by the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters as a resource for shelters and their staff.
Media Release: Canadian Shelters Unite to End Violence Against Women Media release on the establishment of the National Network of Women's Shelters.
Press Release: Shelter Volunteers Betrayed Press release on the need for provincial funding for Wheatland Communities Crisis Society.
ACWS Position on Cross Training Position statement on the need for cross-training of all individuals in the various sectors involved with family violence.