Preventative Strategies
Pathways On-Reserve Shelter Emergency Transport Fund Information Sheet Information sheet for shelters on the introduction of the Pathways On-Reserve Shelter Emergency Transport Fund. Includes information on how shelters can apply for reimbursement through the Pathways Fund.
National Victims of Crime Awareness Week 2015: Informed Consent Webinar Informational poster for ACWS webinar titled Informed Consent in Shelter: Building Trust and Preserving Dignity with Survivors of Domestic Violence in a Data-Driven Age.
Women's Shelter Crisis Worker Certificate Description of program goals and admission requirements for Portage College Women's Shelter Crisis Worker Certificate. Includes course descriptions.
Standing Together Book Cover Cover image for Standing Together book.
Writers Wanted Poster describing need for writer submissions for the Standing Together book project.
Standing Together Book Description Description and call for submissions for Standing Together project.
Public Service Announcement: Call for Submissions for Standing Together Call for submissions for the Standing Together book project. PSA seeks original writing and stories as well as sponsors and funding.
Abuse of Older Adults: Guidelines for Developing Coordinated Community Response Models Report on the ongoing effort to promote and disseminate knowledge and research on the prevention and intervention in the abuse of older adults.
I Just Wish I had Seen Some Signs: Domestic Violence in the Workplace Presentation on domestic violence in the workplace and how to recognize it.
Domestic Violence and Your Workplace Presentation on how to recognize signs of domestic violence in the workplace. Produced in conjunction with Health Sciences Association of Alberta.
Coordinated Workplace Response Plan on Domestic Violence List of questions and worksheets designed to help a domestic violence team assess current organizational procedures in terms of DV support and awareness.
Walking the Path Together Family Information Letter of information for prospective families entering into the Walking the Path Together program.
Leading Change Project Concept Document describing the launch and introduction of the Leading Change project.
Leading Change CFL Project Launch Document describing the launch and introduction of the Leading Change project.
Walking the Path Together Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding for the Walking the Path Together project between ACWS, 5 on-reserve emergency shelters, Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, and the Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic.
The ACWS Children's Project: Phase I First phase of the ACWS Children's project on supporting the development, integration, and evaluation of promising child support practices in women's shelters and sheltering organizations in Alberta.
Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention in Alberta: Literature and Stakeholder Review Literature and stakeholder review on the need for relevant interventions into elder abuse in Alberta.
Practical Frameworks for Change Presentation. Presentation on the Practical Frameworks for Change project. Addresses promising practices in safety, health, and cultural competence, develops a learning collaborative, and contributes to promising practice knowledge base.
Priority for Action: Continuous Access to Education for Children in Shelter Final grant report to the Prairie Action Foundation on the need for uninterrupted education for children in domestic violence shelters.
Position on Seniors' Shelters for Older Adults Leaving Abusive Relationships ACWS position statement on Seniors' Shelters for Older Adults Leaving Abusive Relationships
ACWS Position on Children Exposed to Family Violence This document details the AWCS's position on what should happen to children that are exposed to family violence and how to support them