On-Reserve Shelter Speaking Notes Jan Reimer's speaking notes from presentation on the need for increased on-reserve shelter funding.
A Comparative Review and Evaluation: Seeking Parity Between On-Reserve Shelters and Shelters Funded by the Province of Alberta Review of shelter funding differentials between federally funded on-reserve shelters and provinically funded off-reserve shelters.
Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel Scanned copy of interactive Danger Assessment Medicine Wheel framework
Shelter Funding Methodology for the Family Violence Prevention Program: Final Research Report Report on the underfunding of on-reserve shelters. Commonly referred to as the Johnston Report.
Throne speech promises are empty for Alberta on-Reserve Shelters Media release on the need for transparency and parity in funding for on-reserve emergency shelters.
Walking the Path Together Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding for the Walking the Path Together project between ACWS, 5 on-reserve emergency shelters, Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, and the Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic.
Blankets, Bibles and Beads: Aboriginal Resource Manual With close to half of the women entering shelters being of aboriginal descent, women’s shelters in Alberta wanted to ensure that their needs were met and that shelters respond in a culturally appropriate way. This manual was developed by the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters as a resource for shelters and their staff.