Advisory Committee on Women’s Studies [UofA]
Nominations for the Persons Awards
File consist of nominations for the Persons Awards. -
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements, monthly expenditure and commitment reports, Visiting Speaker Approval and Cheque Requisition form, requisitions for audio-visual services, a photo copied invoice, Technical Services invoices, and a photo copied journal voucher. -
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas and minutes, a draft for an article in Folio, a University of Alberta newsletter, information about The Institute for the Study of Women at Mount St. Vincent University, retreat information, position descriptions, a report titled Proposal for an Interdisciplinary Programme in Women's Studies for the Faculty of Arts prepared for the Women's Studies Committee by Naomi Black, correspondence, a final activity/financial report, a course announcement for Contemporary Feminist Theory, a report titled Preliminary Proposal for an Undergraduate Degree Programme in Women's Studies and a Centre for Women's Studies, and notes. -
University of Alberta graduate theses
File consists of a compilation of graduate theses on women or gender at the University of Alberta from 1965 to 1985, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies scheduling
File consists of materials pertaining to the operations of the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies. Records include summer schedules for committee members, notes, memos regarding tentative meeting dates, and a monthly schedule of when members are available. -
Women's Studies Advisory Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the operations of the Women's Studies Advisory Committee. Records include memos to the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies from Bridget Elliott and Lisa Austin expressing their interest to join, an agenda for the November 19, 1986 meeting, terms of reference for the committee, a memo to D. Cullen from Stella Chooi regarding new courses in Women's Studies, a list of visiting speakers for February, 1987, minutes of the January 10, 1987 meeting, a note from Lynda Lange, a note and attachments to the committee from Jean Lauber regarding Ursula Franklin's visit, a list of committee members from October 1986, and suggested names from the community to sit on the committee, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Committee operational records
File consists of materials pertaining to the operations of the Women's Studies Committee. Records include the 10th Annual Conference, Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy, a hand written letter to Marilyn Assheton-Smith from Debra Shogan, a hand written letter to Marilyn from Hope, an outline on Research Institute Process, a report from Marilyn on the Research Institute 1987, a letter from Dallas Cullen regarding the Women's Studies administrative structure, a letter from J. Peter Meekison confirming Marilyn and Jean Lauber as co-Chairs of the committee, and a list of members of the University of Alberta General Faculties Council members, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Coordinating Committee correspondence
File consists of correspondence from the University of Saskatchewan Women's Studies Research Unit, Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, and from the Chair of the Committee on Women's Studies, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Program Monthly Calendar of Events
File consists of material pertaining to the Monthly Calendar of Events for the Women's Studies Program. Records include lists of visiting guest lectures for the Women's Studies Program, correspondence, publicity write-ups, and notes, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Coordinating Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Coordinating Committee at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas, minutes and notes. -
Women's Studies Coordinating Committee
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Coordinating Committee. Records include agendas, budget information, minutes, minutes and correspondence. Includes information for the August 26 and December 15 meetings, as well as a blank sign up sheet for people interested in attending future meetings of the Women's Research Centre. -
Preliminary Proposal for an Undergraduate Degree Programme in Women's Studies and a Centre for Women's Studies
File consists of a report titled Preliminary Proposal for an Undergraduate Degree Programme in Women's Studies and a Centre for Women's Studies prepared by the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies, and comments and questions from the Academic Development Committee, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Women's Studies Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Committee at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include minutes, notes regarding course and calendar changes, and notes from Marilyn Assheton-Smith regarding evaluation of two candidates, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of general ledger print outs for the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. -
Standing Committee of the Vice-President (Academic) Women's Studies minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Standing and Advisory Committee of the Vice-President (Academic) Women's Studies at the University of Alberta. Records include minutes and list of Advisory Committee members.