Abuse— Older adults
Global Network ACWS Backgrounder Background information on ACWS produced for distribution at the first Global Conference of Women's Shelters.
Abuse of Older Adults: Guidelines for Developing Coordinated Community Response Models Report on the ongoing effort to promote and disseminate knowledge and research on the prevention and intervention in the abuse of older adults.
ACWS History History of ACWS at twenty-year anniversary.
Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention in Alberta: Literature and Stakeholder Review Literature and stakeholder review on the need for relevant interventions into elder abuse in Alberta.
Practical Frameworks for Change Presentation. Presentation on the Practical Frameworks for Change project. Addresses promising practices in safety, health, and cultural competence, develops a learning collaborative, and contributes to promising practice knowledge base.
- Final Report on First World Conference of Women's Shelters
Position on Seniors' Shelters for Older Adults Leaving Abusive Relationships ACWS position statement on Seniors' Shelters for Older Adults Leaving Abusive Relationships