Canadian Women's Periodicals Index advertising information File consists of materials relating to the placement of advertisements for the Canadian Women's Periodicals Index in various publications including Healthsharing, Kinesis, and Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.
DEC Films New Releases File consists of advertisements for film and video releases featuring shows about women and women's issues by Development Education Centre (DEC), Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Research Centre creation and operation correspondence File consists of materials pertaining to the creation and operation of the Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include correspondence, agendas and an outline of issue for the University of Alberta General Faculties Council, terms of reference for the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies, minutes and budget information for the Women's Research Centre, minutes for the Operations Committee of the Women's Research Centre, Women's Research Centre newsletters, and the June 27, 1985 issue of Folio, a newsletter produced by the University of Alberta.
Women's studies courses File consists of lists of women's studies courses
Women's Research Centre correspondence File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Research Centre, the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies, and the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies. Records include correspondence, notes, meeting notices, agendas, announcements, a suggested administrative structure for the Women's Studies Program in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta, reminders, an organization chart, and a proposal for a Faculty Enhancement Program.
Correspondence with UofA and others Records include correspondence, requests for copies of lectures and general information about the committees, membership forms, presentation notices, solicitation materials, project proposals, and a news release about the Alberta Dialogue on Economic Equity for Women.
Correspondence with other organizations File consists of a questionnaire from Networking in Edmonton, an issue of Ru'ya magazine (No. 1, Autumn 1991) that is in English and Arabic, and notes from the Women in Rural Settings Advisory Meeting at Olds College
Nominations for the Persons Awards File consist of nominations for the Persons Awards.
Fem-Direct and Canadian Women's Movement Archives correspondence File consists of correspondence, advertising pamphlets for Fem-Direct and Canadian Women's Movement Archives.
Child Custody and Access Advocacy Correspondence Correspondence between ACWS and the Honourable Anne McLellan regarding the federal Divorce Act and ACWS concerns about unsafe situations that could arise for children as a result of changes to the divorce act.
On-Reserve Shelter Advocacy, Office of the National Chief Correspondence from Phil Fontaine to Jan Reimer regarding funding for on-reserve shelters.
ACWS Advocacy Correspondence, Commissioner of Services for Children Invitation Advocacy correspondence regarding emergency shelter designation.
ACWS Advocacy Correspondence, Commissioner of Services for Children Advocacy correspondence regarding emergency shelter designation.
ACYS Correspondence-Susan Taylor Correspondence between Jan Reimer and Susan Taylor of Alberta Children and Youth Services regarding Administrative Reform Agreement.
INAC Correspondence-Jim Sisson Correspondence between ACWS and Jim Sisson of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
Women's Research Centre agendas and minutes File consists of materials pertaining to various Women's Research Centre committees including the Women's Research Centre Committee, Operations Committee, Feminist Research Forum Planning Committee, and the Small Forum Planning Committee, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas, minutes, and notes.
Women's Research Centre presentations File consists of records pertaining to presentations sponsored by the Women's Research Centre. Records include notes, notices of presentations, abstracts and presentation outlines.
Women's Studies Program agendas and minutes File consists of minutes and attachments for the Women's Studies Program committee for February 1, May 18, and December 15, 1988 meetings, Edmonton, Alberta. Also includes correspondence, a draft Letter of Intent Regarding the Women in Development Network, proposed women's studies course descriptions, suggestions for visiting speakers with some biographical information, information about the Centres of Excellence program, and notes.
Abused Aboriginal Women in Alberta: The Story of Two Types of Victimization File consists of material pertaining to the book Abused Aboriginal Women in Alberta: The Story of Two Types of Victimization by Lorraine Coutrille Records and the Misener-Margetts Women's Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include a publication order, correspondence, requests for copies of the report, printing services and other receipts, a questionnaire for shelter workers, invoices, notes, and an outline of the book.
National Women's Studies Association membership materials File consists of materials pertaining to the membership of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies in the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA). Records include correspondence, subscription and membership forms and reminders, pamphlets, conference information, scholarship information and forms, a membership card, notes, and resource request forms.
Canadian Women's Studies Association applications and newsletter File consists of membership applications from the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies to join the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA) and a copy of the CWSA newsletter for Fall 1987, Edmonton, Alberta.
Lynda Lange guest lecture File consists of material pertaining to the invitation of Lynda Lange to speak at the Women's Studies Lecture Series. Records include correspondence, notes, and supporting documents, Edmonton, Alberta.
Alison Jagger guest lecture File consists of material pertaining to Alison Jagger appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include curriculum vitae, equipment loan/rental forms, notes, correspondence, invitations, promotional information, itineraries, catering and accommodation information, biographical information, public service announcements, correspondence, notes, and other supporting documents, Edmonton, Alberta.
Ursula Frankli guest lecture File consists of material pertaining to Ursula Frankli appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include flyers for the lecture series, notes, correspondence, catering information, copies of cheques, calendars of events, invitations, printing services form, invoices, promotional information, equipment loan/rental forms, visiting speaker approval forms, mailing lists, nominations, agendas, space reservation forms, and curriculum vitae.
Jennifer Dickson guest lecture File consists of material pertaining to Jennifer Dickson appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence, lists of expenses, exhibition books of Jennifer Dickson's artwork, newspaper clippings, promotional material, public service announcements, notes, an invoice, itineraries, accommodation information, and a curriculum vitae.