ACWS Concerns Regarding the Proposed Divorce Act 2003 Position statement on ACWS's potential concerns with proposed Bill C-22, The Divorce Act.
Bill C-22 Recommendations for Amendments to the Divorce Act: Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Comments and recommendations on Bill C-22 in order to maintain safe situations for children in parental separation cases where domestic and family violence is involved.
Child Custody and Access Advocacy Correspondence Correspondence between ACWS and the Honourable Anne McLellan regarding the federal Divorce Act and ACWS concerns about unsafe situations that could arise for children as a result of changes to the divorce act.
Alberta Silent Witness Project: An Initiative of the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters Final report to grant funder, Prairie Action Foundation, on the Alberta Silent Witness project.
Media Release: Silent Witnesses Speak the Stories for Victims In conjuction with the theme "Every Victim Matters" ACWS launched the Silent Witnesses exhibit to bring awareness to victims of domestic abuse.
Silent Witness Project Fact Sheet Description and history of Silent Witness project. Also includes a brief background of ACWS, and a list of partners and funding agencies for the Silent Witness project.
Signed Expression of Commitment Establishing the Global Network of Women's Shelters Signed expression of commitment with signatures from 23 founding members in order to establish the globa Network of Women's Shelters.
Research Trends and Implications for Practice: The State of Alberta's Children Report on the protection of children against discrimination and all forms of neglect and exploitation.
ACWS Report: Workplace Wellness and Saftey Report to the Health Sciences Association of Alerta on workplace wellness and safety.
Letter to Municipalities: Advocacy for Second Stage Shelters in Alberta Letter addressed to municipalities regarding the need for further funding of Second Stage Shelters in Alberta.
Letter to Calgary City Council: Advocacy for Second Stage Shelters in Alberta Letter addressed to Calgary City Council regarding the need for further funding of Second Stage Shelters in Alberta.
Closing the Gap on Service Provision to Women and their Children Fleeing Domestic Violence in Alberta: Second Stage Shelters Report on the need for second stage shelters in Alberta.
ACWS #LiftHerUp 2017 Municipal Elections Final Report Final report on the advocacy and public education work carried out by ACWS during 2017 municipal elections in Alberta. Campaign was created in response to misogynistic language and behavior directed at female politicians in December 2016.
The Parity Process: Seeking Justice for Alberta On-Reserve Women's Emergency and Second Stage Shelters Report on the need for more equitable funding for on-reserve shelters in Alberta.
On-Reserve Shelter Advocacy, Office of the National Chief Correspondence from Phil Fontaine to Jan Reimer regarding funding for on-reserve shelters.
Parity Resolution for On-Reserve Shelters Funding recommendations and resolution on the need for better funding for on-reserve shelters.
A Comparative Review and Evaluation: Seeking Parity Between On-Reserve Shelters and Shelters Funded by the Province of Alberta Review of shelter funding differentials between federally funded on-reserve shelters and provinically funded off-reserve shelters.
ACWS Response to Family Law Review Public Workbook ACWS resonse to Family Law Review workbook with sample questions and answers.
Thousands of Children Caught in Cycle of Violence Press release on the need for anti-violence awareness campaings focused on the needs of children.
Underfunding Shrinks Shelters' Ability to be a Haven in Need Press release on shelter underfunding.
ACWS Advocacy Correspondence, Commissioner of Services for Children Invitation Advocacy correspondence regarding emergency shelter designation.
INAC Correspondence-Jim Sisson Correspondence between ACWS and Jim Sisson of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
Throne speech promises are empty for Alberta on-Reserve Shelters Media release on the need for transparency and parity in funding for on-reserve emergency shelters.
Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention in Alberta: Literature and Stakeholder Review Literature and stakeholder review on the need for relevant interventions into elder abuse in Alberta.
Measuring Progress After the Roundtable Report on the progress that has been made and work that still needs to be done in order to fully address violence against women in Alberta.