Secretary of State Grant Application
File consists of materials pertaining to the Secretary of State Grant Application for a formalized program for Women's Studies at the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence, a project outline, a final report including budget information, a grant application to apply for funding for a Women's Studies lecture series, a letter to the Secretary of State requesting funding for Computerization and Promotion of the Women's Resource Centre, a listing of outstanding grant applications made by the University of Alberta and notes, Edmonton, Alberta.
Revised Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Four-Year B.A. (General) Degree
File consists of a report titled Revised Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Four-Year B.A. (General) Degree, likely prepared by a committee at the University of Alberta.
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women operational records
File consists of material pertaining to the operations of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW). Records include information about the 1991 conference, minutes of the CRIAW executive, correspondence, form letters lobbying for funding addressed to Ministers, and a report titled Review of the Situation of Canadian Women prepared by the National Cation Committee on the Status of Women. Includes material in French.
Women's Research Centre miscellaneous records
File consists of miscellaneous material pertaining to the Women's Research Centre. Records include a blank evaluation form for the 14th annual Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), notes, a receipt for a subscription to Canadian Women's Periodical Index Vol. 6, correspondence, the February 1991 Misener-Margetts Women's Research Centre News, and address for sending request for an English version of Remous, Edmonton, Alberta.
Alberta Plan for Action for Women: A Proud History, A Bright Future
File consists of the publication titled Alberta Plan for Action for Women: A Proud History, A Bright Future, published by the Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Studies Operations Committee events
File consists of material pertaining to events organized by the Women's Studies Operations Committee. Records include meeting minutes, agendas, a newsletter, correspondence, notes, phone messages, speaker information including curriculum vitae, program and session information, and issue No. 2 of the Women's Research Centre newsletter. Also includes a Government of Alberta News Release about the Alberta Plan for Action for Women and a list of the 1989-1990 executive of the Association of Professors Emeriti.
Women's Studies Coordinating Committee and Advisory Committee on Women's Studies budget information
File consists of material pertaining to the financial records of the Women's Studies Coordinating Committee and the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies. Records include correspondence, balance sheets, University of Alberta budget forms, and notes, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Research Institute planning
File consists of materials pertaining to the planning for the Women's Research Institute. Records include a preliminary investigation of the structure of an institute, notes, drafts of purpose and structure, policy from the Office of Research Services, and an agenda and notes from the June 24, 1987 meeting, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Studies Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Committee at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas and minutes, a proposal for a Women's Studies 300 course from W.A. Tomm, minutes from Canadian Research institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Fundraising Committee, notes, and telephone messages.
Proposal for a Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta
File consists of a revised proposal as presented to University of Alberta Executive Committee for the creating of a Women's Research Centre to be jointly sponsored by Athabasca University and the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence, budget information, copies of meeting minutes and notes.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies minutes and agendas
File consists of materials pertaining to the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies. Records include agendas and minutes for the January 13 and March 2, 1988 meetings and the December 15, 1987 meeting. Also includes membership lists of women's groups, job duties, financial statements, correspondence relating to funding and guest lectures, a committee vacancy, the C-Swip conference, and the women's research bank, as well as handwritten notes and a position paper on a graduate program in women's studies written by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Research Centre proposal
File consists of materials pertaining to a proposal prepared by the Vice-President's Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies for the establishment of a Women's Research Centre, sponsored jointly by Athabasca University and the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence to and from Dr. Peter Meekison regarding the proposal, handwritten notes, a letter regarding space for the centre, draft annotated copies of the proposal, and a proposal summary, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Studies Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Committee at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas and minutes, notes and correspondence related to curriculum development and interdisciplinary programs, and a letter from a possible guest lecturer, Helen Weinrich Haste.
Women's Studies Committee agendas and minutes
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Committee at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include agendas and minutes, a list of committee members, a call for position of Assistant Professor, a note from Shirley Neuman regarding funding and guest lectures, and a Proposal for a Program in Women's Studies in the Faculty of Arts, Edmonton, Alberta.
Proposal for a Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta
File consists of materials pertaining to a proposal for a Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta. Records include a proposal by the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies, background information, an agenda, correspondence from Frances Adams, Department of the Secretary of State for Canada, and working notes.
Edmonton tourism package
File consists of a tourism package for the City of Edmonton, including information on the newly renovated Hotel Macdonald, and brochures for shopping and sightseeing activities, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Studies educational materials
File consists of educational materials including brochures from the Centre for Women's Studies, Ontario, pamphlets and booklets from the National Association of Women and the Law, information about and registration form for the Learned Societies Conference, a catalogue from Hawthorne Press, a request for information from the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW), information from the Women Inventors Project, a pamphlet and letter regarding The Body Politic, a series of films, information about the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, and a catalogue of books regarding Women's Studies.
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies space reservation
File consists of materials pertaining to office space allocated to the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies. Records include correspondence, notes, and handwritten notes.
Women's Research Centre mailing lists
File consists of lists of names including University of Alberta Department heads and professors, listing of women's groups, list of members of the Academic Women's Association, and members of the Co-Ordinating Committee on Women's Studies, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Research Centre publicity and press materials
File consists of materials pertaining to publicity and press for the Women's Research Centre. Records include contact information for media members, letters from the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) and the Academic Women's Association offering to print items from the Women's Research Centre in their newsletters, notes regarding publicizing the Women's Research Centre, and samples of notices and costs for advertising, as well as a photocopied newspaper article by Jo Marney titled How To Get Your Brochure Read.
Priority Employment Program
File consists of materials pertaining to applications to the Priority Employment Program (PEP) with the Women's Research Centre including correspondence, journal vouchers, receipts, billings sheets, shipping forms, phone bills, correspondence, and pay stub information.
Report of the National Consultation on Research Needs in Sexuality and Reproductive Health: A Public Health Perspective
File consists of report titled Report of the National Consultation on Research Needs in Sexuality and Reproductive Health: A Public Health Perspective, May 28-31, 1988, published by the Calgary Health Services, Alberta.
Person to Person: An Alberta Dialogue on Economic Equity for Women
File consists of a report titled Person to Person: An Alberta Dialogue on Economic Equity for Women, published by the Alberta Women's Secretariat, Edmonton. Forward by the Honourable Elaine J. McCoy.
Objectifs feminins: Direction generale de la condition feminine
File consists of a report titled Objectifs feminins: Direction generale de la condition feminine, prepared by the General Directorate for the Status of Women, New Brunswick. The material is in French.
File consists of the July-September issue of Aquelarre, a magazine for Latin American women, published quarterly by the Aquelarre Latin American Women's Cultural Society, Vancouver, B.C. Also includes a introductory letter to the magazine. The materials are in English and Spanish.