Women's studies articles
File consists of copies of published articles about women and women's studies from magazines and journals.
Ad Hoc Committee on Family Violence project records
File consists of materials pertaining to the operations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Family Violence Relocation of Abused Women Project, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include correspondence, notes, a final activity report, balance sheets, a research proposal, bank statements, expense claims, receipts, invoices, and long distance call logs. Also includes a Department of the Secretary of State of Canada General Application form for grant funding.
Women's Research Centre financial records
File consists of financial records of the Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta. Records include financial statements, a paper rate schedule, correspondence, bank statements, receipts, a commercial account agreement, expenditure and commitment reports, balance sheets, and notes.
Women's Research Centre financial records
File consists of financial records of the Women's Research Centre at the University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta. Records include invoices, credit notices, purchase orders and requisitions, notes, chargeback forms, statements of account, photocopied journal vouchers, monthly expenditure and commitment reports, correspondence, a copy of the University Policy on Administration Fees of Non-Research Non-Endowed Trust Accounts, signing authority forms, a lock change and key requisition, cheque requisitions, and notes.
Feminist Research Forum financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Feminist Research Forum at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include monthly expenditure and commitment reports and a letter.
Advisory Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Advisory Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements, monthly expenditure and commitment reports, Visiting Speaker Approval and Cheque Requisition form, requisitions for audio-visual services, a photo copied invoice, Technical Services invoices, and a photo copied journal voucher.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements, a Visiting Speaker Approval and Cheque Requisition form, a copied invoice, a letter, and monthly expenditure and commitment reports.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements and monthly expenditure and commitment reports.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements and monthly expenditure and commitment reports.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements, monthly expenditure and commitment reports, notes, and correspondence.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies financial records
File consists of materials pertaining to the financial records of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Records include financial statements, monthly expenditure and commitment reports, notes, and correspondence.
Lynda Lange guest lecture
File consists of material pertaining to the invitation of Lynda Lange to speak at the Women's Studies Lecture Series. Records include correspondence, notes, and supporting documents, Edmonton, Alberta.
Alison Jagger guest lecture
File consists of material pertaining to Alison Jagger appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include curriculum vitae, equipment loan/rental forms, notes, correspondence, invitations, promotional information, itineraries, catering and accommodation information, biographical information, public service announcements, correspondence, notes, and other supporting documents, Edmonton, Alberta.
Ursula Frankli guest lecture
File consists of material pertaining to Ursula Frankli appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include flyers for the lecture series, notes, correspondence, catering information, copies of cheques, calendars of events, invitations, printing services form, invoices, promotional information, equipment loan/rental forms, visiting speaker approval forms, mailing lists, nominations, agendas, space reservation forms, and curriculum vitae.
Jennifer Dickson guest lecture
File consists of material pertaining to Jennifer Dickson appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence, lists of expenses, exhibition books of Jennifer Dickson's artwork, newspaper clippings, promotional material, public service announcements, notes, an invoice, itineraries, accommodation information, and a curriculum vitae.
Paula Caplan guest lecture
File consists consist of material pertaining to Paula Caplan appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta. Records include distributions lists, promotional items, a public service announcement, a curriculum vitae, a newspaper clipping, and notes, Edmonton, Alberta.
Women's Studies Lecture Series speakers
File consists of materials pertaining to the search for speakers for the Women' Studies Lecture Series at the University of Alberta. Records include notes, correspondence, biographical information, nominations, and a brochure for Phyllis Langer Management.
Women's Studies Lecture Series planning
File consists of material pertaining to the planning of the Women's Studies Lecture Series at the University of Alberta. Records include correspondence, promotional materials, events lists, Women's Studies Lecture Series flyers, itineraries, curriculum vitae, announcements, newspaper clippings, invitations, posters, and notes. Also includes a September 1985, February 1986, and March 1986 issue of the University of Alberta's Folio newsletter.
Catherine Stimpson guest lecturer
File consists of material pertaining to Catherine Stimpson appearing as guest lecturer for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta at a lecture titled The Meanings of Feminist Criticism on February 27, 1986. Records include announcements, invoices, reservations, equipment loan/rental forms, correspondence, notes, promotional materials, curriculum vitae, and an article by Catherine Stimpson title Our: 'Wild Patience:' Our Energy Deeds, or Energizing Future: An Overview of Women's Studies Today. Also includes the February 20, 1986 issue of the University of Alberta newsletter Folio.
Dale Spender lecture series
File consists of material pertaining to Dale Spencer appearing as a guest lecture for the Women's Advisory Committee at the University of Alberta from September 19 to October 3, 1985. Records include correspondence, curriculum vitae, itineraries, schedules of events, delivery slips, RSVP and invitation form templates, invitation lists, biographical information, newspaper clippings, equipment loan/rental forms, catering, room and accommodation information, promotion materials, and notes. Also includes three September 1985 issues of the University of Alberta Folio newsletter.
Women's Studies Lecture Series
File consists of materials pertaining to the Women's Studies Lecture Series featuring Ann McLellan and Lynda Lange. Records include promotional materials, public service announcements, correspondence, notes, and an Equipment Loan/Rental form. Also includes the November 7 issue (Vol. 22, No. 14) of the University of Alberta newsletter Folio.
Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies minutes and agendas
File consists of records pertaining to the activities of the Coordinating Committee on Women's Studies. Records include notices of meetings, planning documents, correspondence, calendars of events, visiting researcher information, external publications about women's issues, agendas, minutes, balance sheets, proposals, course outlines, a list of University of Alberta General Faculties Council members, terms of reference, committee member lists, and notes.
Women's Studies Advisory Committee meeting
File consists of materials pertaining to a meeting of Women's Studies Advisory Committee in December at Chateau Lacombe in Edmonton, Alberta. Records include invoices, bills, correspondence, and notes.
University of Alberta course outlines
File consists of course outlines for University of Alberta history courses including History 206-B2, History 371: The History of Women in Canadian Society, History 413: Women in Modern European History, and History 470: Topics in Canadian Social History.
Women's Study Program lecture series
File consists of materials pertaining to a lecture series from the Women's Study Program. Records include correspondence, descriptions of lectures, budget information, lists of expenses, mock-ups for event posters, and notes.