ACWS Concerns Regarding the Proposed Divorce Act 2003 2003
Bill C-22 Recommendations for Amendments to the Divorce Act: Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights 2003-08-22
Child Custody and Access Advocacy Correspondence 1998-11-19
Alberta Silent Witness Project: An Initiative of the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters 2006-12-22
Media Release: Silent Witnesses Speak the Stories for Victims 2010-04-19
Silent Witness Project Fact Sheet 1999
Signed Expression of Commitment Establishing the Global Network of Women's Shelters 2006
Research Trends and Implications for Practice: The State of Alberta's Children 2007-10
ACWS Report: Workplace Wellness and Saftey 2010-05
Letter to Municipalities: Advocacy for Second Stage Shelters in Alberta 2008-11-26
Letter to Calgary City Council: Advocacy for Second Stage Shelters in Alberta 2008-11-26
Closing the Gap on Service Provision to Women and their Children Fleeing Domestic Violence in Alberta: Second Stage Shelters 2008-01-31
ACWS #LiftHerUp 2017 Municipal Elections Final Report 2018-05-31
The Parity Process: Seeking Justice for Alberta On-Reserve Women's Emergency and Second Stage Shelters 2006-02
On-Reserve Shelter Advocacy, Office of the National Chief 2006-02-07
Parity Resolution for On-Reserve Shelters 2005-03-16
A Comparative Review and Evaluation: Seeking Parity Between On-Reserve Shelters and Shelters Funded by the Province of Alberta 2005-02
- ACWS Response to Family Law Review Public Workbook
Thousands of Children Caught in Cycle of Violence 2002-11
Underfunding Shrinks Shelters' Ability to be a Haven in Need 2002-11
ACWS Advocacy Correspondence, Commissioner of Services for Children Invitation 1995-11-15
INAC Correspondence-Jim Sisson 2010-04-02
Throne speech promises are empty for Alberta on-Reserve Shelters 2010-03-19
Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention in Alberta: Literature and Stakeholder Review 2011-06-08
Measuring Progress After the Roundtable 2009