Understanding organizational responses in Edmonton to reports of hate crimes Funded 2021-2022 Understanding organizational responses in Edmonton to reports of hate crimes and/or incidents from the perspective of those reporting is a study that aims to describe the experiences of people who have reported hate crimes and/or incidents. The research questions are: What are the experiences of people who report hate crimes and/or incidents to organizations (e.g.,. police, social agencies, workplaces) in Edmonton? How do individuals who have reported hate crimes and/or incidents experience organizational responses to these reports? What are the implications of these experiences for organizations that respond to hate crimes and/or incidents? From Funding Recipient: "I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Alberta Public Interest Research Group for funding the compensation of research participants in a community-based study looking to understand the experiences of people who have reported hate crimes or incidents to organizations in Edmonton. It is my hope and the hope of my research partners that more knowledge in this area can inform the service delivery of organizations that receive reports of hate crimes and incidents. APIRG's support helped make this research a reality!"
Weaving to Reclaim: A Kaffiyah Study Funded 2020-2021 Research project. From Funding Recipient(s): "We are hand weaving a series of textiles to explore and reclaim Palestinian cultural heritage. Thanks to research funding from APIRG, we were able to purchase books and interview individuals with practical weaving knowledge and knowledge of Palestinian textile heritage. This research has allowed us to make monumental progress in our work. Our project would not be possible without APIRG's support, and we are immensely grateful! " An experimental journey that explores and reclaims diminishing Palestinian heritage, craft, and identity. Each study incrementally builds to the final piece in the series: a handwoven Kaffiyah, a scarf that distinctly symbolizes Palestinian identity.
Getting Involved in Research & Writing 101 Webinars Funded 2020-2021 By STEM Fellowship UAlberta. "Thank you APIRG for helping STEM Fellowship reach our goals of making STEM research accessible to everyone. We appreciate all of your help in organizing our event and look forward to working together in the future again!"
Diverse Perspectives on Gender Inequality in Healthcare Funded 2020-2021 From Funding Recipient: "Medical Herstory would like to extend a sincere thank you to APIRG for providing us with the grant which allowed us to purchase equipment, software, and promotional materials to create this interview series about medical gender bias!"
Trans-femme Sexual Health CommunityBased Research Project Funded 2019-2020 Exploring barriers and facilitators in achieving positive sexual health among trans-femme youth using a community-based approach. From Funding Recipient: "Thank you for your generous grant for my master’s thesis project titled “Exploring barriers and facilitators in achieving a positive sexual health among trans-femme young adults: A Community-Based Participatory Research Project”. The project was focussed on engaging trans folks in photovoice project to explore their sexual health concerns and involving them in co-creating various artsy knowledge translations materials. Through your grant, I have been able to accomplish the objectives of my project and will continue working towards the improvement of sexual health and sexual health care services for trans folks. Your grant program truly made a difference in the initiation and continuation of my research project, and I will forever remain extremely grateful!"