police brutality
No Cops on Campus Funded 2020-2021 An association that demands the university divest from policing and invest in non-carceral forms of safety and support.
Prairie Sage Protectors (PSP) Funded 2021-2022 Prairie Sage Protectors was established in amiskwaciwaskahikan (Edmonton AB) in 2021 by a group of Black, Indigenous and colonized people of colour, new and experienced organizers, who saw a need for a more unified and radical response across the Prairies to the ongoing/escalating oppression of the state and its agents (police & military, fascists) against Indigenous, Black, immigrant, queer, unhoused/displaced, impoverished, and otherwise marginalized people.
Citizens for Peaceful Communities (CPC) Funded 2002-2003 Citizens for Peaceful Communities was formed to advocate for police accountability in the wake of increasing militarization of police forces and aggressive encounters with the public. CPC believes that independent civilian oversight of policing and just handling of complaints of police misconduct are necessary links in the chain of public accountability. CPC also seeks to counter racial stereotyping, profiling, and public order programs.
11-12 Disorganizer Zine - Police State
Graphic protesting the police