Everyday Harm Reduction Online Zine Funded 2021-2022 The Everyday Harm Reduction Online Zine is an online semi-instructional zine about what harm reduction is and how one can incorporate harm reduction principles. They aim to fight stigmas associated with the current and ongoing opioid crisis which disproportionately affects QTBIPOC+ folks, with different groups of people needing to cope with differential traumas inflicted by intersecting sources of oppression. The zine will incorporate research on addiction and harm reduction practices and illustrations and writings from local artists. This project is led by Alexa Bender.
(in)Tolerance & Pain: Brown Skin, White Coats & Microaggressions Funded 2021-2022 The Black Pharmacy Students’ Association (BPSA) aims to increase Black representation and engagement in the pharmacy profession, and provide a safe space for Black pharmacy students, empower them, and create a strong and extensive network. Effect of Racism and Micro-aggressions on Mental and Physical Health: A focus on Black Healthcare Students and Professionals is a virtual talk by Dr. Nnorom who will be dissecting how anti-Black oppression presents itself within many health sciences programs, including pharmacy. From Funding Recipient(s): "On behalf of the Black Pharmacy Students' Association (BPSA), University of Alberta, I would like to thank you for sponsoring our webinar, "(in)Tolerance & Pain: Brown Skin, White Coats, and Micro-aggressions. Through your generous contribution, we raised awareness about the harmful effects of anti-Black racism on Black healthcare students and professionals. The event was very impactful, and we had an excellent discourse on the topic in question, how it relates to other racialized students, and how Faculty and leaders can take concrete steps to support Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. In addition, BPSA was able to fulfill our goal to advocate for safe spaces for Black pharmacy students, staff, and the community, and this would not have been possible without your support. Your partnership has moved us a step closer to tackling systemic issues and dismantling oppressive systems in academia, specifically pharmacy and medical education, and workplaces in healthcare systems. We appreciate your support for this event, and we look forward to more opportunities for partnership in the future"
No Cops on Campus Funded 2020-2021 An association that demands the university divest from policing and invest in non-carceral forms of safety and support.
Prairie Sage Protectors (PSP) Funded 2021-2022 Prairie Sage Protectors was established in amiskwaciwaskahikan (Edmonton AB) in 2021 by a group of Black, Indigenous and colonized people of colour, new and experienced organizers, who saw a need for a more unified and radical response across the Prairies to the ongoing/escalating oppression of the state and its agents (police & military, fascists) against Indigenous, Black, immigrant, queer, unhoused/displaced, impoverished, and otherwise marginalized people.
Chinese Diaspora Sharing Circles Funded 2019-2021 Chinese Diaspora Sharing Circle is an open and inclusive dialogue for overseas Chinese people to safely share their opinions regarding cultural identity, social issues and their life in Canada. The group aims to engage and give Chinese youth ready to speak up and talk about the oppression and traumas faced by and to the Chinese community in Canada.
El-Tawhid Funded 2020 El-Tawhid in partnership with The Muslim Feminist Collective are striving to uphold the values of speaking truth to power, acting against injustice, and living in relationship to the land at the core of Islam. MFC amplifies the voices of those who are doing justice work and offers a condemnation of injustice from an Islamic doctrinal and historical perspective. El-Tawhid strives to offer an inclusive space to pray and practice justice centered Islam with a community invested in dismantling systems of oppression. This space centers and exists for those whose identities exist at the margins of mainstream Islam including BIPoC and LGBTQ+ Muslims. Both virtual and physical spaces serve to hold Muslims, including ourselves, accountable to dismantling racism and patriarchy within ourselves, our communities, and social systems.
Palestine Solidarity Network (PSN) Funded 2009-2022 The Palestine Solidarity Network is a non-profit, grassroots collective aimed at advocating for and upholding the human rights of Palestinians in the face of ongoing oppression, occupation, racism, and discrimination, both in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora.
Citizens for Peaceful Communities (CPC) Funded 2002-2003 Citizens for Peaceful Communities was formed to advocate for police accountability in the wake of increasing militarization of police forces and aggressive encounters with the public. CPC believes that independent civilian oversight of policing and just handling of complaints of police misconduct are necessary links in the chain of public accountability. CPC also seeks to counter racial stereotyping, profiling, and public order programs.
U of A Coalition Against War and Racism (UCAWAR) Funded 2002-2004 UCAWAR intends to create public space to debate and share information about democratic, humanitarian and egalitarian alternatives to war, militarization, and racism through actions like teach-ins, read-ins, theatrical agitation, and creating and reproducing antiwar publications for schools.
Nextfest Workshop
APIRG staff member presenting Anti-O 101 theory workshop powerpoint presentation at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop powerpoint presentation at Nextfest Arts Company. Presentation slide title reads "Defining Power" -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
APIRG staff member at Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
APIRG staff member at Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
APIRG staff member at Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Nextfest Workshop
Anti-O 101 theory workshop at Nextfest Arts Company -
Library: Books from Kenneth
Picture of someone holding four books. Titles include "Dependent Development", "Regulating the Poor", "How the West Came to Rule", and "Democracy for the Few" -
AWOL 2019 workshop series listing
Poster listing all of the workshops being presented during AWOL 2019. -
11-12 Disorganizer Zine - No Fences, No Borders
Graphic depicting birds tearing down a wire fence -
11-12 Disorganizer Zine - Barcode 1
Graphic of a barcode, mimicking prison bars