Mobilize 1 PWR Urban Community Resistance Event fashion show blacklight portrait
Mobilize 2 PWR Urban Community Resistance Event fashion show blacklight portrait
Mobilize 3 PWR Urban Community Resistance Event Fashion Show Blacklight portrait
Mobilize 4 PWR Urban Community Resistance Event Fashion Show Blacklight portrait
Mobilize 5 PWR Urban Community Resistance Event Fashion Show Blacklight portrait
Library: Care Work Jan 2020 Picture of Book "Care Work" on display shelf
Library: Glass book shop haul Stack of books on shelf
Meme 5 - Rich Canadians "The thought of paying 1% tax on wealth over $20 million"
Meme 4 - This is stolen land Gonna tell my kids this is stolen land: [Canada] 2019 Best of memes
Meme 3 - Cannot let down Lizzo "I'm so done with being insecure I cannot be letting Lizzo down like this anymore" 2019 Best of memes
Meme 2 - When People Celebrate Capitalists 2019 best of memes
Meme 1 - Maybe if I work hard "maybe if i work hard. Go above and beyond. Never use sick or vacation days. The company will notice and appreciate" 2019 Best of memes
Meeting Notes Photo of post-it notes used in workshop/meeting activity.
Book Display Photo of books and magazine file boxes. APIRG library(?)
2003 Pyrophy Festival Photo of person sorting APIRG posters.
Climate Change Talk Event photo of climate change talk.
Centre For Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium group of people having a meeting
Centre For Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium two people working a table for the Centre for Autism Services Alberta
Centre For Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium Presentation being given by a person for the Centre for Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium
Centre For Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium Presentation given by a group of people for the Centre for Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium
Centre For Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium A person giving a presentation for the Centre for Autism Alberta Students' Association Annual Symposium
Science FUNweek video series of people giving talks for the Science FUNweek 2021
Just(ice) for Laughs 2020 Photo from AWOL event Just(ice) for Laughs
Strawberry Hand holding a bright red strawberry.
Seeds Various seed packets on a table.