Climate Change
Last Days on Krypton Funded 2018-2019 Last Days on Krypton was a one-person comedy show created and performed by Mav Adecer, directed and managed by Linh Lu, presented as part of the 2019 Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival. The show explored the climate crisis, and the collective and very personal anxiety it produces, through children’s cartoons and other pop culture figures. The show was a community effort to create, with Mav testing out the show at friends’ houses, community centers and open mic nights for months before the Fringe. The work paid off. The production was a resounding success, bringing a no-name comedian from the “lonely task of crafting jokes within a swirling vortex of racism” to a near full house and a hold-over at the Grindstone. Joy and laughter are critical to surviving climate anxiety and the crisis itself, and Last Days on Krypton delivered.
Climate Justice Edmonton Trainings Funded 2018-2019 Activist Training Series.
Edmonton Climate Justice Coalition Funded 2020 Around Edmonton there are numerous groups involved in climate action related activities. They seek to provide a space for coalition building, skill sharing, and community building between those groups. Members of the working group include Extinction Rebellion Edmonton, Climate Justice Edmonton, and the Alberta Environmental Network.
Climate Change Talk Event photo of climate change talk.