Solidarity with Iran's Democratic Movement - Edmonton (SIDME) Funded 2009-2010 SIDME is a non-profit, grassroots collective of students and community members aimed at raising awareness about Iran’s civil rights and democratic movement. Founded in July 2009 in Edmonton, AB, in solidarity with the Green Movement, SIDME supports the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy and human rights. Since its founding, SIDME has hosted various lectures and panel discussions (in both English and Farsi), as well as photo exhibitions, film screenings, and poetry nights, educating the University of Alberta community and the broader Edmonton community about the state of human rights in Iran and about the Iranian civil society’s movement towards civil and political rights.
U of A Council of Canadians Funded 2008-2012 The Council of Canadians University of Alberta Chapter is about taking a stand on important political, social, economic, environmental and yes even cultural issues. The mandate of the group is to promote Canadian Sovereignty in reaction to pressures to integrate with the United States and a move towards globalization; to reclaim a local and global commons and to create a civil society movement including participatory democracy.
Students for a Free Tibet Funded 2003-2004 Students for a Free Tibet recognizes the historical and legal status of Tibet as an independent country and supports the rights of Tibetans to determine their own future. Students for a Free Tibet uses various strategies in order to educate campuses and communities about the situation in Tibet, and to turn the awareness into positive action. They work with a variety of other Tibet support groups and human rights organizations. Underlying all activities is a commitment to non-violence, recognition for the need for universal responsibility and an interdependent world, and a firm belief that young people can and must take leadership in changing our world.
Brazil: Social Democratic Governance Funded 2003-2004 Goals: To develop a report on recent social change in Brazil, to provide observations on continuing political developments in Brazil, and to investigate how a social democratic government like the one represented by Lula can improve social development. Accomplished through the development of a small library collection devoted to resources on Brazil, the completion of a comprehensive and interactive website, the production of a short 20 minute documentary about Brazil’s current political environment, the continuation of presentations about Brazil, the compilation of a working group newsletter to print and distribute, and the sponsorship of a speaker from Brazil to do presentations about the situation in Brazil.
Library: Books from Kenneth
Picture of someone holding four books. Titles include "Dependent Development", "Regulating the Poor", "How the West Came to Rule", and "Democracy for the Few" -
13-14 Disorganizer Zine - Civil Disobedience
Single pane comic depicting the back of a protester whose shirt has the Howard Zinn quote “Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.” -
13-14 Disorganizer Zine - Civil Disobedience Stencil
Disorganizer Zine -
11-12 Disorganizer Zine - Listen
Disorganizer Zine photo of wall with 'listen' written on it in graffiti.