Understanding organizational responses in Edmonton to reports of hate crimes
Understanding organizational responses in Edmonton to reports of hate crimes
February-April 2022
Funded 2021-2022
Understanding organizational responses in Edmonton to reports of hate crimes and/or incidents from the perspective of those reporting is a study that aims to describe the experiences of people who have reported hate crimes and/or incidents.
The research questions are:
What are the experiences of people who report hate crimes and/or incidents to organizations (e.g.,. police, social agencies, workplaces) in Edmonton?
How do individuals who have reported hate crimes and/or incidents experience organizational responses to these reports?
What are the implications of these experiences for organizations that respond to hate crimes and/or incidents?
From Funding Recipient:
"I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Alberta Public Interest Research Group for funding the compensation of research participants in a community-based study looking to understand the experiences of people who have reported hate crimes or incidents to organizations in Edmonton. It is my hope and the hope of my research partners that more knowledge in this area can inform the service delivery of organizations that receive reports of hate crimes and incidents. APIRG's support helped make this research a reality!"
18 people involved
Date Available
July 2022-