(in)Tolerance & Pain: Brown Skin, White Coats & Microaggressions


(in)Tolerance & Pain: Brown Skin, White Coats & Microaggressions
November 15, 2021
Funded 2021-2022

The Black Pharmacy Students’ Association (BPSA) aims to increase Black representation and engagement in the pharmacy profession, and provide a safe space for Black pharmacy students, empower them, and create a strong and extensive network.

Effect of Racism and Micro-aggressions on Mental and Physical Health: A focus on Black Healthcare Students and Professionals is a virtual talk by Dr. Nnorom who will be dissecting how anti-Black oppression presents itself within many health sciences programs, including pharmacy.

From Funding Recipient(s):

"On behalf of the Black Pharmacy Students' Association (BPSA), University of Alberta, I would like to thank you for sponsoring our webinar, "(in)Tolerance & Pain: Brown Skin, White Coats, and Micro-aggressions. Through your generous contribution, we raised awareness about the harmful effects of anti-Black racism on Black healthcare students and professionals. The event was very impactful, and we had an excellent discourse on the topic in question, how it relates to other racialized students, and how Faculty and leaders can take concrete steps to support Black, Indigenous, and other students of color.

In addition, BPSA was able to fulfill our goal to advocate for safe spaces for Black pharmacy students, staff, and the community, and this would not have been possible without your support. Your partnership has moved us a step closer to tackling systemic issues and dismantling oppressive systems in academia, specifically pharmacy and medical education, and workplaces in healthcare systems.

We appreciate your support for this event, and we look forward to more opportunities for partnership in the future"
50 attendees
Date Available
July 2022-


public health anti-racism BIPOC Funding Partnerships social justice events Education Advocacy anti-oppression testimonial

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