Arts Based Resilience of Transmasculine Youth


Arts Based Resilience of Transmasculine Youth
September 2018
Funded 2018-2019

Research project.

From Funding Recipient:

"I am so appreciative for the funding that APIRG provided for my doctoral research. This funding enabled me to offer grocery store gift cards and transit tickets that made participation in my study more accessible for transmasculine young adult participants, who often face financial barriers, and to recognize in a material way the generous amount of time and expertise they contributed to my study. On a broader level, APIRG funding supported me in conducting research that I hope can help change the challenging mental health landscape that many transmasculine young adults experience due to transgender stigma and other significant life challenges they face. Through my research, I am working to shed light on how transmasculine young adults use the arts to sustain resilience against these challenges. Thank you APIRG for supporting my capacity to do research that strives towards creating arts-based supports that can bolster the resilience of transmasculine young adults and help them push back against trans stigma."
4 attendees
Date Available
July 2022-


testimonial Transgender

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